Using cutting edge multiomics platforms with immunological expertise to better define disease for the improvement of human health

Our Research
The goal of our laboratory is to leverage cutting-edge multi-omics technologies combined with immunological expertise to more accurately define human disease for development of novel therapies against various autoimmune diseases and cancers.
We investigate the role of the immune system, particularly regulatory T cells (Tregs), which play a central role in mainintaining immune homeostatis and tolerance. We research the biology of regulatory T cells in inflammatory lesions and in cancer to understand their mechanistic role and dysfunction in disease progression and to identify key targets for restoration of function and return to healthy states.
We utilize various multi-omics platforms such as CyTOF, Olink, single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq), single cell ATAC seq (scATACseq), scTCR/BCRseq, and various spatial transcriptomics platforms including SlideSeq, Nanostring GeoMX/CosMX and 10X Visium for deep immunoprofiling of healthy and diseased tissues.
Lab address:
Rm. 329, 28-2 Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Lab number: